“Buwis-Buhay”: A Viral Video

Team: Pinoy Big Squatter (Jorron, Jemi, Jena, Jackie, Jam, Glecy)

Concept: “Taong Grasa” the sosyal version

Main Objective: To have fun by doing something unusual which the audience would be interested in


  • To see how people would react upon seeing taong grasas using techie stuff like digicam and ipod, wearing havs and braces, and ‘spokening dollars’
  • To know the response of people with regard socially relevant issues such as the upcoming 2010 national elections

The whole experience? Totally FUUUUUN! KJs (Kill-joy) were ostracized. JOKE. Actually, we were all very much game, we all had this “let’s get it on” attitude while shooting the vid so we really enjoyed the experience. Laughtrip indeed. And viral we believe. 🙂

Just watch the vid to know what I’m talking about. Hehe. Hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed it! 🙂

4 Responses to ““Buwis-Buhay”: A Viral Video”

  1. Nash Albacea Says:

    This is one of the best concepts for a viral video I’ve ever seen!

  2. Paula Bianca Batalla Says:

    I love this! Orcom people are simply fabulous, epitome of being Muchas Grasas. HAHA

    I was anticipating for your group video, especially when I learned that Jorron’s in your group. As expected from someone who graduated from the Solstice and Equinox team, this is truly one of the best!

  3. Ace Acosta Says:

    one of the best…or probably the best viral video in our batch..congrats guys!

  4. Joanna Macris Says:

    Very entertaining 😀 i agree with the previous comments, this vid is actually among the best from the batch. this is something you could really smile at when you look back at it 5, 10, 15 years from now 😉

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